
While Wisconsin's laws on marijuana have stayed largely the same — and federal law continues to ban use and sales — bordering states have begun to move on the issue.
When it comes to the political division between Republicans and Democrats, elections for Wisconsin Supreme Court often appear quite similar to races for the Legislature or Congress or governor or even President, even though these seats are technically non-partisan.
People often recount the floods in living memory. August 2018 will be remembered for record-breaking floods that brought devastation throughout the Driftless Area.
Using dogs to chase gulls from Great Lakes beaches can improve water quality, according to a February 2019 study.
One important issue contributing to and compounding 53206 residents' woes is a lack of transportation options from the urban center to the suburbs, where the Milwaukee metro area's job growth has been centered for decades.
Income inequality has been rising since the 1980s, both in Wisconsin and nationally, and economists and policymakers have become increasingly aware of and concerned about this trend.
Spring flooding is a familiar frustration around Wisconsin — it's about as expected as a dangerous blizzard striking in winter.
There are other trail camera networks around the U.S., but Snapshot Wisconsin is a unique undertaking.
Across the United States, increasing numbers of parents are refusing some or all vaccines on behalf of their children. This practice of vaccine refusal is commonplace enough that it is causing upward trends in preventable childhood infectious diseases.
By the time children born in the 2010s reach retirement age, many Wisconsin communities may feel something like late-20th-century Kansas City or Philadelphia, at least in terms of seasonal temperatures and precipitation.