Scott Gordon

Series: The Flu And Wisconsin's Public Health

No two flu seasons are alike — from one year to the next, different types of the influenza virus dominate. Every year, virologists, health officials and healthcare providers marshall their resources to prevent and treat infections. When a flu season is particularly tough, as was the case in 2017-18, the illness tests limitations and vulnerabilities in the public health system. Wisconsin plays a crucial role in a nationwide network of influenza surveillance, which is also on guard for the emergence of a global flu pandemic. Meeting future challenges of influenza hinges on relationships that connect scientists and healthcare providers at local, state, federal and international levels.
Facing a severe influenza strain and an early peak, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services is urging Wisconsinites to get vaccinated early this year.
As flu season begins and pharmacies start offering flu vaccinations, the perennial question of whether or not to get a shot arises.
A national study looks at how well the flu vaccine prevents death in children ages 18 and younger.
University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers are working to produce flu vaccines in a different way. They're experimenting with growing the flu virus in cells derived from canines and monkeys instead of eggs.
It's been a low-activity year so far for influenza in Wisconsin and in much of the United States.
The flu season is approaching, meaning opportunities to get a shot are arriving quickly. A pediatrics professor at the University of Wisconsin said there's a reason the push for the flu vaccine is during the fall.