Series: The Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19 And Wisconsin: April 2020

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The state Department of Transportation has begun more than 100 road projects this year, now with extra safety measures in place because of the novel coronavirus.
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The number of positive cases of COVID-19 continues to rise in Wisconsin but there are signs the state may not need as much surge healthcare capacity as planned.
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Gov. Tony Evers' administration has asked the Wisconsin Supreme Court to dismiss a Republican effort to overturn Wisconsin's "Safer at Home" order, warning that such a move could "invite a dangerous public health backslide," as the state continues to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
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State Democrats will hold their convention virtually this year due to COVID-19.
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Milwaukee’s five community health centers are offering COVID-19 testing and care for people who don’t have a regular doctor, including the uninsured and homeless.
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Thirty-four Wisconsin state parks and recreational areas closed for three weeks will be able to reopen as temperatures increase across the state and cases of coronavirus level off.
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There are 6,289 positive cases of COVID-19 in Wisconsin, the state Department of Health Services announced on April 28. That's an increase of 208 cases from the day before.
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Restaurant owners statewide have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. As many as 50 percent may be unable to reopen depending on how long businesses remain closed.
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Wisconsin has received more than 55 million items through the Federal Emergency Management Agency for response to the coronavirus pandemic, but some state officials remain critical of the agency and the Trump administration's response.
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In Wisconsin, a spike in cases in Brown County has been linked to meatpacking plants there. Over 400 workers from three plants have tested positive for COVID-19.