Articles by Scott Gordon

As the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources noted in its 2015 annual report about municipal water utilities, coliform bacteria are found in systems across the state. In fact, water samples testing positive for these bacteria outnumbered those showing higher-than-permitted levels of other contaminants.
On July 29, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources released its 2015 report on the state's public drinking water utilities, detailing information about costs, contaminants and infrastructure status.
When people in Wisconsin think of the dangers that farmworkers face, they might envision extreme heat malfunctioning machinery, or even unruly livestock. But they might be unaware of another serious threat: Hearing loss.
To many Wisconsinites, the state's northern forests are sturdy and vast swaths of land that resist the forces of the outside world and symbolize the state’s natural inheritance.
While local governments are engaged in the fight against homelessness in Wisconsin, this effort also depends on dozens of nonprofit and faith-based agencies around the state. One of those groups is the Milwaukee-based Hope Street Ministry.
Madison might be at the center of Wisconsin's loudest discussion about homelessness right now, but the problem extends far beyond the state's capital city. In fact, the majority of the state's homeless people documented in a 2015 federal report were outside the Madison and Milwaukee areas.
At the end of July, volunteers will fan out across Wisconsin and attempt to count homeless people in their communities' shelters and streets. The twice-a-year process is known as a "point in time" count. In Madison, the count will happen as Mayor Paul Soglin pushes for a city ordinance limiting when homeless people can sleep on public sidewalks.
Biologists define parasitism as a relationship where one organism benefits in the course of taking advantage of another. By understanding how parasites prey on their hosts, medical researchers could develop some novel ways to fight disease.
Heavy rainstorms in northwestern Wisconsin on Monday, July 11, led to flooding throughout the region. The flooding also poses a less visible, but still significant threat: It can result in more contaminants in the area's drinking water supplies.
Any serious look at Wisconsin's geology and groundwater will at some point likely encounter the term "karst." The concept is hardly specific to Wisconsin, but it's helpful for understanding the land and drinking water across much of the state.