Watch. Issues in focus


Wisconsin Department of Children and Families anti-human trafficking coordinator Joy Ippolito discusses efforts to change the conversation about what human trafficking looks like and how to identify it.
Following in the wake of concierge medicine is a model known as direct primary care, which is based on the idea that a more personal approach that's broadly affordable can alleviate several major choke points in the American healthcare system writ large.
In the 21st century, nearly a century after its founding in the 1930s, the institution balances Wisconsin's tradition of ecological research with public outreach, citizen-science projects and hosting visitors.
Wisconsin enacted new rules for hunters and deer farms to halt the spread of chronic wasting disease. George Meyer, former Department of Natural Resources secretary and Wisconsin Wildlife Federation executive director, discusses these changes.
Where does Wisconsin stack up in terms of wages and wage growth when compared to Minnesota and the national average?
Beets have come a long way to fields and vegetable gardens from their roots as a leafy green growing wild in the sandy soil of the Mediterranean.
Plans for the Foxconn development in Mount Pleasant to fill wetlands is raising concerns about the risk of floods along the Des Plaines River in Illinois. Scott Gordon of WisContext discusses what communities downstream from the factory site.
Before and immediately after the 2016 election, reports about malicious Russian activities drew attention to potential vulnerabilities in the voting infrastructure.
As trade disputes affect agricultural exports, particularly dairy products, Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation president Jim Holte discusses a proposed federal aid package for farmers.
Wisconsin continues to have some of the worst racial achievement gaps in education, including the largest disparity in eighth-grade reading scores between black and white students.