Articles by Marisa Wojcik

What personal information is used to determine the cost of health insurance? What if that information is not medical-related? Wisconsin School of Business professor of risk management and insurance Justin Sydnor discusses what kinds of data are gathered and how it could be used.
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families anti-human trafficking coordinator Joy Ippolito discusses efforts to change the conversation about what human trafficking looks like and how to identify it.
Following in the wake of concierge medicine is a model known as direct primary care, which is based on the idea that a more personal approach that's broadly affordable can alleviate several major choke points in the American healthcare system writ large.
Where does Wisconsin stack up in terms of wages and wage growth when compared to Minnesota and the national average?
Plans for the Foxconn development in Mount Pleasant to fill wetlands is raising concerns about the risk of floods along the Des Plaines River in Illinois. Scott Gordon of WisContext discusses what communities downstream from the factory site.
Wisconsin continues to have some of the worst racial achievement gaps in education, including the largest disparity in eighth-grade reading scores between black and white students.
What proportion of Wisconsin's prison population is made up of drug-related offenders?
Direct primary care is delivering routine medical services to patients in the form of a monthly subscription, which proponents says saves money and offers better care. But some are concerned that the model lacks regulation.
Commodity prices, tariffs and the global market for agricultural products are weighing on Wisconsin farms. Kevin Bernhardt, a professor of agribusiness at UW-Platteville, discusses future prospects for farmers in the state.
College tuition promise programs are popping up across the U.S., and while many fund the gap after federal financial student aid ends, the source of that funding varies. Colleges in Wisconsin that have their own promise programs are privately funded.