
Researchers have found prions that cause chronic wasting disease in Wisconsin's soil and water. UW-Madison soil scientist Joel Pederson explains what this research means about the spread of CWD around the state.
A study from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health examines the presence of small plastic particles in water.
What are Wisconsin's electronic voting systems and election integrity practices? Wisconsin Elections Commission interim administrator Meagan Wolfe discusses what the state is doing about these issues.
It is a common misperception that forests stay the same. Woodlands change slowly over many years, and the shifts may be imperceptible to the casual observer.
Since the earliest days of humankind, people have excelled at exploring and expanding their presence to nearly every spot on the map. With all of this wanderlust, humans have been equally adept at taking other species with them on their travels — often with unintended consequences.
No one questions that the 2017-2018 flu season was tough, but how unusual was it really?
Driverless technology made an appearance on the UW-Madison campus as part of a demonstration by the UW School of Engineering.
Scientists using GoPro cameras in Lake Michigan have found the lakebed coated in invasive quagga mussels.
Cities and businesses seeking to access Great Lakes waters often emphasize how minuscule their water use would be compared to even the supply of just one of the individual lakes.
Sediments left behind from the edges of the retreating ice sheets are providing geologists with a unique opportunity to better determine when the glaciers covered Wisconsin's Driftless Area.