
The drought-parched spring of 1977 was a particularly dangerous season of wildfire, with a trio of big burns in west-central Wisconsin and the Five Mile Tower Fire in the state's northwest corner.
Whether a meadow of flowering bulbs or a mix of grasses and herbaceous perennials, more varied green spaces provide aesthetic value and habitat for diverse animal communities.
The annual Wisconsin Frog and Toad Survey covers about 100 roadside routes across the state, along which volunteers stop at 10 listening stations to document breeding calls from the amphibians.
People often recount the floods in living memory. August 2018 will be remembered for record-breaking floods that brought devastation throughout the Driftless Area.
Using dogs to chase gulls from Great Lakes beaches can improve water quality, according to a February 2019 study.
Spring flooding is a familiar frustration around Wisconsin — it's about as expected as a dangerous blizzard striking in winter.
There are other trail camera networks around the U.S., but Snapshot Wisconsin is a unique undertaking.
By the time children born in the 2010s reach retirement age, many Wisconsin communities may feel something like late-20th-century Kansas City or Philadelphia, at least in terms of seasonal temperatures and precipitation.
Why exactly does Green Bay need saving? Because it suffers from too much phosphorus, which contributes to cyanobacteria, more commonly known as blue-green algae.
Wisconsin's meteorological winter begins every year on Dec. 1, but bonafide winter weather didn't arrive in the 2018-2019 season until mid-January.