Fieldwork. From the experts


As gardeners around Wisconsin eagerly anticipate the tomato harvest, the state's first confirmed report of late blight in 2017 is bringing disappointment to some growers in Waukesha County.
There is a limit to any tree's tolerance, and they can exhibit signs of decline in response to consecutive years of stresses.
The blueberry maggot fly was first detected in Wisconsin during the summer of 2016, and the species is now considered established in the state. It is expected to have a significant effect on the blueberry industry in Wisconsin.
The fact that Wisconsin's beaches are usable for only a few months out of the year only increases the urgency of enjoying them — and thoughtfully maintaining their condition.
The signs are hard to miss, from semi-trucks on the highway hauling amusement rides to the smell of cream puffs in the air. Yes, it's fair season in Wisconsin.
The Japanese beetle population in Wisconsin typically peaks in mid-summer. This invasive insect is a defoliating species that devours multiple landscape and garden plants
Water is a high profile issue in just about any community in Wisconsin. It's likewise a growing challenge across the United States and around the world.
Beyond the short-term economic ups and downs that come with any activity tied to the energy industry, what happens over the long run at the sites where frac sand is mined?
Summer is a great time to explore Wisconsin's abundant outdoors, but camping, biking or hiking can lead to encounters with poisonous plants that cause skin irritation and injuries when touched.
An avian blizzard in central Wisconsin in 1871 made for a spectacle the likes of which would never be seen again.