Articles by Zac Schultz

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Why has the issue of trust has become so important in the 2016 election season? Voters and supporters of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump talk about about their trust in media, the candidates and the overall electoral process.
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Debrell Carr is a 13-year-old at Verona Area High School who started the organization Building Bosses to help encourage youth to help solve problems in their communities and get involved with entrepreneurship.
UW journalism professor Chris Wells studied the Donald Trump's relationship with the media, and says the Republican presidential nominee has mastered using both traditional and social media to his advantage.
One organism, exploding in population, thrives at the expense of others in its ecosystem. That's essentially what happens when a toxic algal bloom spreads a slimy, stinky trail across a body of water.
The year 2070 may sound like an impossibly distant date from the vantage point of 2016, but it's as near into the future as John Glenn's first orbit of the Earth is in the past.
In an economic debate that can devolve into a pitched battle over philosophers and welders, several University of Wisconsin-based researchers believe businesses, policymakers, and educators could strike a balance.
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The plan to divert water from Lake Michigan for use by the city of Waukesha has come under fire from mayors in the Great Lakes region. Waukesha Mayor Shawn Reilly discusses the approval under the Great Lakes Compact and its goal of acquiring safe drinking water for the city.
The Yahara 2070 research project uses science to project potential changes in the watershed surrounding Madison. Monica Turner, an ecology professor at UW-Madison and one of the project's principal investigators, discusses the research.
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A report on the demography of Wisconsin's population finds that the state's workforce looks unlikely to grow. Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance President Todd Berry discusses the long-term future of jobs in the state and the people who are seeking them.
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The Wisconsin Center for Education Research is investigating the skills gap and what Wisconsin is doing to invest in educating its current and future workforce. Researcher Matthew Hora discusses these findings and what the state could be doing better.