The University of Wisconsin-Madison has long been been among the top five nationally ranked research universities. However, this year, as research spending dropped, so did the university's ranking. UW-Madison went from fourth to sixth.
Many people are looking forward to a big Thanksgiving dinner with family and friends. Meanwhile, Wisconsin food banks have been trying to bring a feast to those who are less fortunate this holiday season.
Andrew Hopgood spent eight years going to sleep and waking up in a prison cell serving time for a robbery charge. When he was released in 2008, he lost the shelter prison provided him every night, and he faced the very real problem of where to stay.
The future of President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act may be in doubt, but so far it doesn't seem to be affecting enrollment underway on, the federal marketplace used to purchase health insurance in Wisconsin and other states.
Under the last state budget, lawmakers directed the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to make more northern state forestland available for timber harvests.
As the nation woke up to a new president-elect on Nov. 9, Kathy Cramer was as stunned as just about anyone who analyzes U.S. politics for a living, and especially those people with confidence in the accuracy of public opinion polls.