
Food scientists around Wisconsin are building on a growing interest in fermentation to help both craft brewers and multinational mega-breweries improve their beers. But their work isn't just about the state's alcoholic beverage producers.
Farms that raise animals — be they poultry, pigs, cows or other livestock — are growing. But whether smaller farms are simply updated with modern technologies or are concentrated animal feeding operations with hundreds or thousands of animals, they enable farmers to reduce costs and increase output.
They're older and aging faster, and persistently whiter than Wisconsin as a whole. More people are moving out than in. In some, deaths are already eclipsing births.
Generating revenue from toll roads is a complex process. It would likely take some time for tolls to affect the state's current budgetary approach to transportation funding, which consists of borrowing money and delaying projects.
In spite of their rich history, biologically derived sources of energy like wood, grass, dung and alcohol have failed to ignite the public "buzz" of the other renewables: solar, wind or even geothermal.
More jobs does not always mean greater opportunities for people of different genders, races, or geographic areas. And a broad economic recovery does not necessarily offer a steady outlook for job-seekers.
There are likely to be very few long-term direct impacts to U.S. agriculture on account of the Brexit vote because very little of the nation's agricultural trade goes to the U.K. But there may be greater indirect effects.
In an economic debate that can devolve into a pitched battle over philosophers and welders, several University of Wisconsin-based researchers believe businesses, policymakers, and educators could strike a balance.
As a whole, Wisconsin residents have higher levels of financial literacy, improving levels of financial capability and, at least in some areas, better financial behaviors, compared to the rest of the U.S. However, it also appears people in the state may not be aware of their own knowledge.
Financial literacy researchers have no shortage of recommendations on how people should handle their money, how families can learn more about their finances, and how a crisis can encourage new ways of thinking about these issues.