
Financial tools
In the best of worlds, people never stop improving their ability to make smart financial choices. It's a lifelong endeavor, with the financial decisions people face changing as they age and circumstances shift.
Peggy Olive
Four financial strategies can help people use their money to balance their needs with enjoyment of their lives, UW-Extension senior outreach specialist Peggy Olive said in an Aug. 5, 2015, talk at the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs.
Making financial decisions about health insurance can be difficult for people who are unable to understand what's included in their coverage plans.
Matthew Desmond
Evictions not only put poor families out on the streets, but simultaneously set off a cascade of consequences for both the people and neighborhoods affected.
To consider the long-term challenges of climate change and the short-term impacts of powerful weather cycles like the El Niño Southern Oscillation is to face down a wild tangle of variables. This is especially true in agriculture, where weather and climatic variations affect precipitation, temperature, and the timing of planting and harvesting.
An El Niño event can alter economic fortunes worldwide, particularly in agriculture. But other industries can be affected too, including energy, forestry, sales and transportation.
An El Niño winter with warmer temperatures and possibly less precipitation than average could pose a challenge for some Wisconsin recreation and tourism businesses, although many already have been adapting to uncertain winters with less snow.
Winter wheat
Agriculture depends entirely on weather, with its uncertainties affecting the fortunes of all people, from small farmers to consumers, as the global market shifts food prices.
Oscar Mayer plant
Historically, Wisconsinites have perceived their capital city as primarily a university and government town and, perhaps more recently, as an aspiring tech-industry center. They're not wrong — government is by far the biggest employer in the Madison area.
Earlier this year, avian flu devastated the poultry industry across Wisconsin and the country.