
Despite a lot of noise, there was little movement on health insurance policy across the United States in 2017. As a result, there was likewise little movement in terms of insurance coverage rates, including in Wisconsin.
Wind turbines have become a familiar part of the landscape in the rural Midwest, and with them have come jobs, income for farmers and tax revenue for communities.
Around 250 farms in Wisconsin grow cranberries on 21,000 acres, mainly in the Central Sands region of the state.
Questions surround the types of jobs Foxconn requires: What levels of educational attainment or skills are needed? What are typical wages for these types of occupations? Are these jobs susceptible to replacement through automation or computerization?
School referendums around Wisconsin have been steadily increasing in the 2010s, particularly years when a general election is held.
Roberto Tecpile often puts in 70 hours a week at the Rosenholm dairy farm in Cochrane — a village in Buffalo County where winter days are short and can be bitterly cold.
In 2015, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan sued three employment agencies in Chicago's Chinatown, and two Illinois restaurants that had used their services, for allegedly exploiting Latino immigrant workers in several states, including Wisconsin.
Wisconsin has not adopted state laws specifying how direct primary care should be regulated, what scope of services a direct primary care doctor should offer, how a direct primary care agreement differs from health insurance, or whether direct primary care practices can bill Medicare and Medicaid.
The state of Wisconsin's efforts to attract and retain a younger workforce are coinciding with a growing public reckoning in Madison and surrounding Dane County with the fact that many of its minority residents don't necessarily experience the city as welcoming or inclusive
When it comes to the economy, the bold statistical strokes tell almost the opposite of some Wisconsinites' stories.