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Community members and advocacy groups opposing the bid by Foxconn and the city of Racine for Lake Michigan water are zeroing on a specific issue: The request amounts to a water utility sourcing the Great Lakes almost entirely for the use of one private company.
As the dairy industry struggles with low prices in the face of a long-mounting milk glut, more farmers are finding that their woes are escalating.
Cities and businesses seeking to access Great Lakes waters often emphasize how minuscule their water use would be compared to even the supply of just one of the individual lakes.
Wisconsin is regularly at the center of Great Lakes water politics, but it's not the only place where controversies arise.
Since the 2013-2014 school year, Wisconsin school districts have seen a 1.5 percent decline in pre-K-12 enrollment, with some districts seeing gains and others even bigger losses.
The victory by Rebecca Dallet over Michael Screnock in the Wisconsin Supreme Court election on April 3, 2018 capped off a particularly partisan campaign for what is officially a non-partisan seat.
Many people are confused about the status of the Affordable Care Act: Did it get repealed? Are people still required to have health insurance? What about Medicaid and BadgerCare? Are recipients required to work and to submit to drug testing? Who do the various policy changes affect?
Over the course of three months, a seemingly mundane state personnel matter snowballed into a string of inaction and action across all three branches of government that was unprecedented in Wisconsin's political landscape.
Wisconsin has yet to wrap up one big conversation about how it uses Great Lakes water, and is already embarking upon another.
Wisconsin has eight seats out of 435 total in the U.S. House of Representatives, at least until population fluctuations within the state and around the nation entitle it to a different level of representation.