Articles by Kristian Knutsen

With the summer of 2017 in the record books, many parts of Wisconsin are still feeling the impact of the season's wet weather.
Where Wisconsin's voters live and which political parties they support is at the heart of a major lawsuit before the U.S. Supreme Court.
What would happen if a devastating rainstorm that hits an area and causes damaging floods instead struck somewhere else?
When it comes to the environmental impact of manufacturing electronics, there is an essential distinction between fabrication and assembly.
Fresh water is an increasingly precious necessity around the planet, and Wisconsin has better access to it than most places.
Local governments across Wisconsin face an open question of how they'll pay for ongoing lead pipe replacement efforts.
Between January and June 2017, more than 20 inches of rain fell in Wisconsin, enough to make the first-half of the year the second wettest on record.
An avian blizzard in central Wisconsin in 1871 made for a spectacle the likes of which would never be seen again.
While differences between rural and urban parts of the U.S. may be vast in many places, drawing those geographic distinctions is not always simple.
An international group of geneticists, epidemiologists and public health researchers based in Australia, France and the U.S. teamed up to study a pathogen after it caused a small but deadly outbreak of illnesses in Wisconsin.